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CEGE Handbook

Graduate Student Resources Canvas Page





Support Packages

Tuition & Fee Waivers, Stipends

During the regular academic year (Fall and Spring semesters), all GTAs receive tuition waivers for up to 9 credits, computer-lab fee waivers and 75% of their graduate student insurance paid. All supported students are required to maintain a minimum of 9 credits of enrollment during each of those semesters.

GRAs receive tuition waivers for the period the faculty advisor has support for them.  All supported students are required to maintain a minimum of 9 credits of enrollment during each of those semesters.


One credit should average 3 ½ hours of a student’s time per week for one semester. One hour in class and 2 ½ hours in individual study is a typical division. The 3 ½ hours commitment per credit holds as well as for students enrolled in research credits. Thus, students should multiply the course credits by 3 ½ to determine the demands the course will place on their time during a typical week of the semester.

Students who are supported by a graduate research assistantship (GA), graduate teaching assistantship (GTA), etc. are expected to perform work for the University at a rate of 20 hours per week (for a full appointment). The 20 hours per week are in addition to the amount of time the student spends working on the coursework or research credits that they are enrolled in.